Friday, 8 May 2009

Cradle to Grave

Cradle to Grave
acrylic on box canvas 40cm x 50cm

Cradle to Grave was conceived with the idea of entering it into a competition, the only really eligible category was still life, so that's what I set out to do. This painting shows beginnings to endings, ie the egg is representative of the start and the dying tulip a symbol of the end. Loosely in my mind the books describe knowledge gained throughout life, and the wall solid foundations.

I have always been fascinated with tulips, their very surreal dying phase as they wither away. I also love the juxtaposition of very unrelated things being forced together to tell a story. I particularly enjoyed including a Tromp L'Oeil frame on a box canvas, giving the viewer a framed perspective on another world.

I thoroughly enjoyed this painting and it will be featured in my forth coming solo exhibition Journey 27th July 2009, as well as in promotion and literature for the event. I have chosen not to submit this piece to the competition now as I think my show should take priority at this time.

Its also a piece that I would like to continue into a series, to see where this Journey takes me.

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