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Wallpaper by Phigment
Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world. Took a midnight train, going anywhere....Don't Stop Believing, Journey.
Very Oddly for me, I actually feel like blogging. The image above is not mine, but is gorgeous and sums up visually me and where I am at right now. For those that don't know, my 'tuther name is moon, a name that came about many moons ago through the Internet and I just feel an affinity with, more so my name than my own (given to me by parents).
Right now I am working towards my first solo exhibition....its scary, exciting and allot of hard work. Since Hayden went to full time school in January 2009 I gave myself two years from that point to make a go of the art career. With this I have given myself 'permission' to paint whatever I want, not to a commercial market, but things that make me tick, that feeds the fire in my belly, that make me feel want to live the dream.
Things are moving at a fast pace, my invitations are winging their way to me, printed on large format postcards. My list keeps growing of who to invite, requests keep coming in, so its all go. I am obsessing about what dress to wear, although thanks to some wonderful Twitter friends, and my best mate Mat, I think that is will be a spotty pencils dress, 50s style. Probably not the norm, but I never did that very well anyway!
I try and place myself in the gallery on the night and my stomach takes on a life of its own, I am very excited, but believe it or not can feel very shy and self conscious...although outwardly I seem confident and outgoing (which I feel most of the time). Its a tricky thing having that much attention, and as a note to self I will NOT be making a little speech, and have instructed people on this too, even if after a couple of glasses of tiddlypops I think its a great idea, no no no...don't let me lol. I will save those bits for the celebrations across at the pub afterwards.
Its going to be an amazing experience, having people there that I haven't seen in years, mixing with my current life my life flashing before my eyes, I just hope my work doesn't disappoint all those people that have made me who I am today. Thank you by the way, to everyone who has crossed my path in anyway, shape or form...for without you and even the smallest interaction, I would not be doing this :-)
My exhibition is called Journey, due to it being a snap shot into the beginnings of my current one, and also because of the song....Don't Stop Believing, is a great moto to live by.
For now I must go, paint some more, it won't do itself....and if my strange ramblings have you intrigued at all, drop me a line, always nice to Tweet new long, farewell, fellow travellers.
acrylic on box canvas 40cm x 50cm
Cradle to Grave was conceived with the idea of entering it into a competition, the only really eligible category was still life, so that's what I set out to do. This painting shows beginnings to endings, ie the egg is representative of the start and the dying tulip a symbol of the end. Loosely in my mind the books describe knowledge gained throughout life, and the wall solid foundations.
I have always been fascinated with tulips, their very surreal dying phase as they wither away. I also love the juxtaposition of very unrelated things being forced together to tell a story. I particularly enjoyed including a Tromp L'Oeil frame on a box canvas, giving the viewer a framed perspective on another world.
I thoroughly enjoyed this painting and it will be featured in my forth coming solo exhibition Journey 27th July 2009, as well as in promotion and literature for the event. I have chosen not to submit this piece to the competition now as I think my show should take priority at this time.
Its also a piece that I would like to continue into a series, to see where this Journey takes me.

Acrylic on box canvas 20in x 30in
Moons Echo was conceived after seeing a picture by another artist in a very different medium. Although my painting bares little resemblance to that picture it was the inspiration and catalyst for this painting. The male nude is bound by chains in an academic world where all his hopes and dreams are floating away. The painting also shows that unseen forces hold the ends of the chains which are not fastened, even though they swaddle the man.
The two faces represent youth and maturity, a life lived by someone elses standards and series of life events. The painting does however offer hope, as the chains remain unbound and the knowledge of a life lived can serve him to find that the world truly is his oyster, and to shoot for the moon.